The Wivey Link transport charity is looking for volunteer drivers to pilot their iconic red cars and people carriers.

On Saturday volunteers set up stall in the square Wiveliscombe to recruit new drivers to the team. The volunteers braved the cold conditions to hand out leaflets and chat to residents from Wivey and further afield about the Link.

The Wivey Link said they have enough vehicles - one of which was stationed outside the Co-Op - but not enough people to drive them. The charity currently has around 32 drivers, but need another ten or more to meet demand.

The Wivey Link was set up to help people suffering from rural isolation by providing transport. It has since expanded to give support to any person without access to transport, whatever their age. It has won acclaim for its work, winning the  Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2019. The award is the equivalent to an MBE and the highest that can be awarded to a voluntary group.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver for the Wivey Link, ring the Wiveliscombe Area Partnership office on 01984 624 666 or walk in between their opening hours of 10am to 1pm at 3, The Square, Wiveliscombe.