SOMERSET Council have warned that Wellington’s Tonedale Mill and Toneworks sites are now at ‘significant risk’ of flooding.

The heritage assets, which were once at the heart of Wellington’s historic textile industry, are now the subject of a feasibility study aimed at identifying how they can be protected from flooding.

The council are asking residents to come forward with their views to ensure any plans ‘align with the community’s aspirations.’ In a statement they said:

“The Tonedale Mill and Tone Works sites are the primary focus of this study; their employment opportunities have been central to the development of Wellington as a town. The location of both sites and subsequent constraints imposed on the river systems by the existing water management system has placed them at significant flood risk, which is likely to increase with a changing climate. “Your say is key in planning for Wellington and we want to know what you think. What are the opportunities and challenges presented by the waterways in Wellington? What matters most to you? How can we get the most benefit for the community and the environment? 

“We want to keep up the momentum that these opportunities bring to the town and ensure that these align with community aspirations.”

You can submit your views via email by contacting [email protected] before midnight on March 4.