COUNCILLORS and staff have been having a brainstorming session on what events could be held for the public to enjoy in Wellington.

An event working group has been set up by Wellington Town Council and its first meeting was held on July 29 where Cllr Chris Booth was elected as chairman.

A couple of ideas which could be implemented for the 2025-26 financial year include a Night Walk in Wellington Park and a lantern procession.

The council’s assets and events officer, Annette Kirk, is to obtain information on the cost and what would be involved in a night walk.

It was suggested that a possible lantern procession could be run in the town centre, although there were concerns over the cost for traffic management and road closures.

Ms Kirk suggested it could work well at Wellington Carnival or an evening in Wellington Park.

It was agreed that the working group would talk to Wellington Carnival Committee after this year’s procession.

Councillors also talked about next year’s 80th anniversary of the VE Day – May 8, 1945, the day when fighting with Germany ceased, to mark the end of the Second World War in Europe.

They agreed to wait for national guidance to be released, while Ms Kirk would speak to the local branch of the Royal British Legion to see what it was planning.

The 75th anniversary was marked, but on a low-key scale because it came just two months into the national lockdown in 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.