WELLINGTON Town Council has welcomed three new members of staff this week as the newly-formed open spaces team had their first day of work on Monday, March 3.

This follows the council’s commitment to take on open spaces from Somerset Council from April 1 in a historic devolution deal.

The new starters are Zac McAuley (open Spaces team leader) and Alan Wilson and Jay Prosser (open spaces operatives).

Also included in the team is Sheldon Hancock and the Community Warden functions will be picked up by the open spaces team.

Chief executive/town clerk Dave Farrow said: “Taking on these services has been over a year in the making. It was probably the most important decision that the Town Council has ever made and with the team starting today it truly feel like everything is falling into place.

“In Zac, Sheldon, Alan, and Jay we have a really good team, and I am confident that they are going to make a huge difference to the town.”

Open Spaces Manager Darren Hill said: “We are really privileged to have been able to put together such a great team who are passionate about what they do, I very much look forward to working with them and seeing things change for the better throughout Wellington’s open spaces.”