RESIDENTS in parts of Wellington are to be consulted on the idea of creating ‘tiny forests’ on small plots of land near their homes.

The town council has identified a number of sites where it would like to plant trees as its climate change project officer Stephen Tate and open spaces manager Darren Hill look into ways to provide more trees throughout Wellington.

They have been exploring the ‘Tiny Forests’ concept pioneered by Earthwatch Europe which creates fast-growing miniature urban woods.

‘Tiny Forests’ brings the benefits of woodlands into the heart of urban spaces to connect people with nature, help mitigate the impacts of climate change, and provide spaces to support urban wildlife.

Suggested Wellington locations include Howard Road, Oakfield Park, the open space behind Lillebonne Close on the Priory estate, and a corridor of open space between Burrough Way and Immenstadt Drive.

A ‘Tiny Forest’ comprises 600 trees densely planted in a tennis-court size plot, with each site able to attract more than 500 animal and plant species within its first three years.

Earthwatch Europe has planted more than 200 ‘Tiny Forests’ across the UK and aims to have 500 by 2030.

A town council spokesperson said: “Consultations will take place with nearby residents before any planting happens, so watch this space for more news.”

The spokesperson appealed for anybody who knew of a suitable space which could be used for a ‘Tiny Forest’ to email the council on [email protected] and officers would investigate if it was viable.