WELLINGTON residents only have one week left to give their views on plans for 250 new homes on the southern edge of town.

Wellington LVA has published proposals for a new housing development south of the A38 Oldway Road, between the southern edge of the town and the Blackdown Hills.

The land promoter is holding a public consultation on its proposals, which include enhancements of existing public rights of way leading from the town up towards Wellington Monument.

But residents only have until March 21 to put their views across, with a formal planning application expected to be submitted to Somerset Council in the summer.

Plans for 250 homes on the A38 Oldway Road in Wellington
Plans for 250 homes on the A38 Oldway Road in Wellington (Pegasus Planning Group)

The site was initially identified for possible residential development by Somerset West and Taunton Council in October 2020, in the first phase of a planning policy review which was scrapped in light of the council being abolished in April 2023.

Access will be provided via a new junction west of Swains Lane, with several public rights of way through the site being upgraded to make it easier to access the Blackdown Hills over the M5.

The homes will range in size from one-bedroom flats to four-bedroom houses, with new play areas and significant areas of public open space to provide a suitable buffer with the surrounding countryside.

​A spokesman for Pegasus Planning (representing Wellington LVA) said: “Ther​e are opportunities to incorporate sustainable drainage features into the layout to manage surface water run-off, and the creation of wildlife areas to deliver improved biodiversity compared with the existing agricultural use.

“The site will lead to increased patronage and demand to help retain and improve local bus services, and there are opportunities to enhance existing walking and cycling connections within the area, including links to Jurston Fields and the cycle path to Chelston Heath.

“Key views to the Wellington Monument will be retained through view corridors to become a feature of the development.

“The public right of way network would also be integrated within landscaped corridors with new footpaths, cycle paths and areas of public open space creating furthering public access.”

The developer said it was open to providing a pedestrian crossing over Oldway Road as part of the development, and would support reducing the speed limit on this section of the A38 to 40mph.

Proposed site of 250 homes on the A38 Oldway Road in Wellington, looking east
Proposed site of 250 homes on the A38 Oldway Road in Wellington, looking east (Photo: Google Maps)

Wellington is expected to significant housing growth in the coming years, with the continued delivery of the Jurston Fields site (pending a decision by the Supreme Court), 200 homes being planned on Nynehead Road (which will deliver access to the town’s proposed railway station) and the regeneration of the Tonedale Mill site (which is being funded by a £19.7m government grant).

​To comment on the Oldway Road proposals, visit www.oldwayroadconsultation.co.uk and complete the feedback form by March 21.

For paper copies of the proposals, call 01454 625 945 or email  jonathan.coombs@pegasusgroup.co.uk.