A TOTAL of 552 children’s operations have been cancelled in Somerset NHS Foundation Trust hospitals in the last five years.

The Trust, which manages a number of hospitals, including Musgrove Park in Taunton, cancelled 136 children’s operations last year. 

The data has been revealed after the Liberal Democrats submitted a freedom of information request. It shows a 43 per cent increase in the cancellations on 2021. 

It is understood some ‘cancelled’ operations were moved before families had received appointment letters. 

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust’s service director for children, young people and families, Julie Thomas said: “We are very sorry to all the children and families whose operation we have needed to postpone.

“The decision to postpone an operation is never taken lightly and we try to avoid this wherever possible. Unfortunately, there are times when postponements are unavoidable, for example because an emergency case has to take priority. We always try to make sure we offer another date for surgery as soon as possible.”

The Liberal Democrats are urging the Government to come up with a 'rescue plan' to bring health services back from the 'brink'.

This would include a proper plan to tackle staff shortages in the NHS, investing in newer equipment and to increase bed capacities at local hospitals.

Gideon Amos, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Taunton and Wellington, said: “These new figures are shocking and reveal that there are hundreds of children and parents in our community having to wait in pain and distress.

"Years of neglect of the NHS by this Government have led to chronic staff shortages and a lack of hospital beds, and now local families are paying the price. 

“The Liberal Democrats are calling for a rescue plan now to bring local health services back from the brink. That must include increasing bed capacity and tackling staff shortages, so people aren’t left waiting so long for the care they deserve.

“The Taunton Town Council elections in May are a chance to send this out of touch Government a message that people are fed up with being taken for granted and want to see proper investment in fixing our local health services.”

Children’s operation cancellations are a nationwide issue facing the NHS. In the last five years 55,566 children’s operations were cancelled, with nearly 15,000 cancelled last year alone.

Lack of beds and a lack of staff are the main causes of these cancellations nationally. 5910 operations were cancelled due to a lack of beds and 5910 operations were also cancelled due to a lack of staff.