ELDERLY tenant in Wellington’s two Abbeyfield Society homes were celebrating this week after the charity reversed a decision to close and sell off the properties.

Tenants in Ivy House and the Old Vicarage were told in May, 2023, they would have to move somewhere else after the charity announced it was closing all its Westcountry homes.

But after two years of worry, the housing charity said it was now instead going to invest in improving the supported living flats and again start letting units which had fallen empty.

Old Vicarage resident Marion Killick told the Wellington Weekly: “It has been an uncertain time for all of us and we are so pleased to have the good news now.

“We are particularly pleased because with the atmosphere here, all the residents get on well together, it is a wonderful community feeling, and our staff are exceptional.

“The councillors have been extremely supportive and we have been given good advice.”

Ivy House resident Brian Standring said although residents were delighted with the news, the celebrations would be on hold until after an update which had been promised for next month.

Mr Standring said: “It is not a cut and dried deal at the moment but we are hoping the second meeting in four weeks’ time will complete it.

“While it is great, great news, it is not quite the end of the story, there is a bit more to go.”

Wellington’s MP Gideon Amos welcomed the ‘great news’ and thanked town councillors and everybody else who had ‘spoken with one voice’ on the need to keep the two homes open.

Mr Amos said: “It is a shame the disruption was caused in the first place but I would like to extend a welcome of this decision to Abbeyfield who, along with residents, have engaged constructively.”