AFTER a rather soggy start to the day, the sun finally came out and shone on the 89th Wellington Flower Show. This was held on Saturday at the ARC, part of Wellington School.

The committee was delighted that entries were up by well over a 100 on last year but it’s not just about the number of entries, but the quality. The judges commented on the high standard of the exhibits and several visitors said it was one of the best shows in recent years.

The weather leading up to the show had been challenging but exhibitors did not disappoint and there were outstanding exhibits in the vegetable and flower classes. Particularly pleasing was the number of championship entries with five in the Pot Plant class – unheard of.

Eva Hawkings takes a close look at a prize in the craft class (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

The Avery family looking over an exhibit (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

And it was great to have more than one in each of the other Championship classes which extended the entire length of the hall. Congratulations to Graham Edwards who won both the Vegetable and Flower classes.

The show was tinged with sadness as this was the first summer show without Richard Fox. Richard was president for over 30 years and was a faithful servant of the show.

In recent years he was never happier than when sorting out the photographic entries and ensuring they were displayed perfectly. He always kept the committee going with cartons of orange juice and donuts which was much appreciated. A new cup was given to the society this year which will be named The Richard Fox Cup and will be awarded to the most outstanding exhibit in the show.

This year it was given to Judy Payne for her quite amazing cookery exhibit – a children’s birthday party. It had to be seen to be believed. Talking of children, organisers say it would be good to have more entries in the children’s section. These have dwindled over the years and it would be fantastic to see more next year.

Judge Lesley Hunt judging the floral art (Wellington Flower Show 2024)
Michelle Bailey on the garden room stand (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

Judy Payne was the first recipient of the Richard Fox Cup due to her stunning cookery exhibit
Judy Payne was the first recipient of the Richard Fox Cup due to her stunning cookery exhibit (Judy Payne was the first recipient of the Richard Fox Cup due to her stunning cookery exhibit)

The ten who entered, however, produced some amazing exhibits, from Lego models to gardens on a plate and decorated pebbles. It’s a great way to keep children occupied over the summer months.

As well as viewing the exhibits, visitors were able to enjoy a cup of tea and delicious cakes supplied by the committee and friends and also A Wittle Slice. It has to be said the tea and cakes went down a storm.

Plants from Ford Nursery were available for sale and the Museum Society, as always, put on a most interesting display, manned by museum curator Colin Spackman. There were also garden craft items for sale from Michelle Bailey.

A show spokesperson said: “As ever, we are grateful to Wellington School for allowing us to hire the premises over four days, to the committee for their hard work in the weeks leading up to the show and on show day itself, to family and friends of the committee for helping out on the day, to our judges who give their time and expertise and to all our exhibitors and visitors as, without whom, there wouldn’t be a show.

“We are also grateful to local businesses who sponsor the show and advertise in our schedule. Without them, the society would not be able to stay in the black.”

Wellington Flower Show 2024
Wellington Flower Show 2024 exhibitions ready for viewing (Wellington Flower Show 2024)
Wellington Flower Show 2024
Public browsing Wellington Flower Show 2024 (Wellington Flower Show 2024)
Wellington Flower Show 2024
Wellington Flower Show 2024 (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

Public browsing Wellington Flower Show 2024
Public browsing Wellington Flower Show 2024 (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

Public browsing Wellington Flower Show 2024
Public browsing Wellington Flower Show 2024 (Wellington Flower Show 2024)

Organiers would like a sponsor for the vegetable and children’s sections next year. Those interested are asked to ontact Sheena at [email protected].

And finally, the Spring Show is expected to be held on Saturday, April 5, at Wellington Prep School. Details for this and for the summer show can be found on the website –