FITNESS fans can work out at Wellington Sports Centre when it re-opens tomorrow (Saturday) following the coronavirus lockdown.
The sports centre, run by Everyone Active with Somerset West and Taunton Council, will be opening its gym and running fitness classes.
Blackbrook Leisure Centre and Spa, Taunton Pool and Wellsprings Leisure Centre in Taunton are also re-opening. Other facilities and activities at the leisure centres will re-start in a phased approach – members will be told as dates are confirmed.
The news comes following a Government announcement earlier this month that leisure centres would be allowed to re-open after closing for nearly four months due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Everyone Active is introducing social distancing measures and ensuring regular cleaning is maintained.
Mark Washington, Everyone Active’s contract manager, said: “We’re very much looking forward to re-opening the centres and welcoming back the local community.
“Ensuring our colleagues and customers remain safe is our number one priority and we have carefully considered the strict measurements to ensure we adhere to the guidance."
For the full story see this week’s Wellington Weekly News.