CONTROVERSIAL grass verge cutting along Briscoe Lane, Ford Street, near Wellington, was within the landowner’s rights, parish council chairman Cllr Roger Lane confirmed.

The issue was raised by a resident at a meeting of Wellington Without Parish Council, when councillors were told there was some public opposition.

Some residents felt it flew in the face of Government policy to reward farmers for leaving ‘rough edges’ to benefit wildlife.

One resident said: “At least the birds are still singing, although their numbers have dropped considerably over the years and are likely to continue to do so.”

Parish councillors noted the similarity of the work to maintenance of the green around Ford Street’s red telephone box, which had been carried out for many years.

They noted there was considerable support from other residents who appreciated the improvement for walkers and cyclists as well as other road users.

Councillors were told wildflower seeding had been carried out and extra tree planting was being planned.

Parish clerk Neil Dalton said as a cyclist he had experienced greater safety, while there had also been an improvement for pedestrians in what was technically a 60 mph speed limit, especially with more ‘quiet’ electric-powered cars on the roads.

Cllr Lane acknowledged the landowner’s right to carry out the work, and pointed out many local residents had expressed their support for it.

However, there was a question around whether accompanying signage was appropriate and Cllr Lane said the landowner had offered to reconsider the signs and if they should remain.