Somerset residents are among the nation's best recyclers, new figures have revealed.

League tables published by Defra showed that in the year 2021 to 2022, Somerset residents sent 56 per cent of their household waste for recycling, putting Somerset in the top 15 per cent of local authority areas for recycling.

The figures mark an increase on the previous year, when 52 per cent of Somerset's household waste was sent for recycling.

Somerset Council said they are confident this year the amount of waste sent for recycling will increase still further, with the help of its Recycle More scheme which will expand the amount of waste items which can be recycled.

Councillor Sarah Dyke, Lead Member for Environment and Climate Change, said: “Recycling is a small thing that we can all do to make a difference every day, and I’d like to thank everyone who has helped us achieve these great results.

“Taking the time to separate your recycling and put it in the right boxes and bag is what makes it possible for us to recycle more and recycle more close to home.”