SOMERSET Council will be launching a ‘call for sites’ which could be considered for future development in the New Year.

The ‘call for sites’ is a six-week period where landowners, developers, and site promoters are invited to submit land they want to be considered as the authority develops its first local plan.

Submissions can be for various uses including housing, economic development, gypsy and traveller pitches and plots, and renewable energy installations.

The call is one of many ways the council will be gathering information for the Somerset Local Plan. It is not encouraging submissions in particular locations. Submitting a site is not a planning application and does not grant planning permission or any other status.

The Local Plan guides decisions on future development proposals based on the needs and opportunities of the area, identifying where development should take place and areas where development should be restricted. Understanding potential supply of development sites is a key early step in this process.

The new Somerset Local Plan will generally supersede all existing former district council local plans, which will remain part of the development plan until they are officially replaced.

Cllr Mike Rigby, executive member for economic development, planning and assets, said: “This process will be crucial for gathering information to help develop the Somerset-wide Local Plan. People may want to start considering their options and look out for more detail.”

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