WORK starts on Monday (March 24) to create priority traffic light signals for buses in Taunton town centre.
Somerset Council is introducing an innovative new system to give buses priority at traffic lights, a move which it hopes will encourage more people to ‘bus it’ into town.
Signals along East Reach will be the first to see installation of the new technology, a smart system effectively linking oncoming buses with the signals and changing the lights to green to allow them through.
The system aims to improve travel times for passengers and help operators avoid delays.
It is part of the council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funded with a Government grant.
Council contractors will need to carry out some phased initial work at three sets of lights in East Reach between March 24 and April 16.
During the day, two-way traffic will be maintained.
There will need to be some lane closures during the evenings between 6 pm and 11 pm while work is undertaken under temporary lights.
The initial work is scheduled to take place at the following locations:
- South Street-East Reach junction, March 24 to April 8
- Haydon Road-East reach junction, civils works April 1 to 9
- Victoria Gate junction, civils works April 10 to 16
The new signals will then be installed during June and July under a temporary traffic lights system specially designed to minimise disruption.
Somerset executive Cllr Richard Wilkins said: “This system will be hugely important in terms of improving bus journey times.
“We want more people to ‘bus it’ to work, the shops, school, and education sites, as well as for leisure, and that includes Taunton’s excellent park and ride service.
“We want buses to have priority when it comes to navigating through town, so bus users can feel real benefits in taking a more sustainable travel option.”