A SIX months, £60,000 fund-raising appeal to build a Pool House for Wiveliscombe’s outdoor swimming pool has been kick-started with a significant donation from the Bulland shooting estate.

The undisclosed substantial sum was handed over by the estate’s Lisa Selley to Wivey Pool chairman Liz Hurry.

The proposed Pool House will provide a warm space for swimmers using the outdoor pool and somewhere for spectators to meet, drink, chat, and keep warm.

It will also be used as a training space for the pool lifeguards, both young trainees and those who are experienced and quaified.

A drawing of how the new Pool House for Wivey Pool will look.
A drawing of how the new Pool House for Wivey Pool will look. ( )

Ms Hurry said: “And it is proposed to include an accessible toilet that will be available to everybody, yes, everybody, who uses the recreation ground.”

The new building will go on the site of some existing old sheds and the pool committee has set itself a target of raising the necessary money by the autumn of this year.

Ms Hurry said: “Wivey Pool are trying to keep Wivey swimming by ensuring it is fit for the future.

“We are applying for grants for the majority of the build cost, but we are also hoping the wonderful Wivey community will help.

“Donating using the online form ensures 100 per cent of your donation comes to the pool and you can select what you would like your money to be spent on.

A lifeguard training course is being organised by Wivey Pool.
A lifeguard training course is being organised by Wivey Pool. ( )

“With the alarming news that nearly one in three children leave primary school unable to swim, Wivey Pool trustees have stepped up to the challenge by trying to keep the pool, which is nearly 100 years old, sustainable and available to the entire community for as long as possible throughout the year.”

Wivey Pool is also running a Royal Life Saving Society course from April 7 to 12 which still has some places available and anybody interested should email [email protected].