SEWAGE was ‘dumped’ into waterways across Taunton Deane almost 2,000 times last year, figures have shown.

Environment Agency data showed 1,736 incidents of sewage overflow into watercourses in 2023 a number the Liberal Democrats has characterised as “shocking.”

The party announced that as part of its general election manifesto it would commit to expanding marine protected areas and introduce a new ‘Blue Flag’ status for rivers - which would provide additional protections for swimmers and wildlife.

However, the Conservative candidate for Taunton and Wellington, Rebecca Pow, suggested the data is a reflection of an increase in monitoring of overflow incidents, rather than a rise in the number of incidents themselves: “It is because of the monitoring that this Conservative Government set in place that we know what is actually happening with 100 per cent of storm sewage overflows now monitored.

“Where permits are being contravened, action is being taken and the Environment Agency and Ofwat have launched the largest criminal and civil investigations into water company sewage discharges ever.

“As a Government Minister, I played my part in securing the bathing water designation at French Weir that many local people had called for and as a result forensic analysis of the water in the area is taking place and improvements will be made where necessary.

I have championed improvements in water quality having instigated the Plan for Water across Government and measures are now underway which will benefit generations to come.

“The Liberal Democrats new tax would take over 300 years to raise the more than £120 billion needed to implement their plans, meaning it is working people that would end up paying. Just like the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats continue to snipe from the side-lines without offering a real plan because they simply don’t have one.

“In addition to the increased monitoring, the Conservative Government are also banning bonuses for bosses of water companies that have committed serious criminal breaches and are quadrupling water company inspections.

“The choice could not be clearer, stick with the plan under the Conservatives or go back to square one with Labour and the Liberal Democrats."

However, the Lib Dems accused the Conservative party of ‘failing to act’ on the issue.

Gideon Amos, Lib Dem candidate for Taunton and Wellington, said: “Thanks to volunteers at French Weir winning a new status for the bathing place at their park on the Tone we now, for the first time, have data showing how much pollution is in our river and the results are shocking. 

“Having been a keen wild swimmer, I’ve now had to advise people not to go in until the quality improves. 

"It just goes to show how much Conservative MPs have stood by while swimmers and wildlife are affected by sewage discharges, not only here but around the country. 

“This scandal has to end now. The Conservative party has failed to protect swimmers and wildlife and instead allowed profiteering on a massive scale. 

“The Liberal Democrats locally have the strongest record and nationally will have the boldest manifesto on cleaning up our rivers.”