Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending August 30:


22/24/0004/T Notification to carry out management works to one cherry tree and one yew tree within Lydeard St Lawrence Conservation Area at Lydeard St Lawrence School, Lydeard St Lawrence.


43/24/0059 Replacement of flood lighting at Wellington AFC, North Street, Wellington.

43/24/0064 Demolition of former mill building and erection of 9 No. dwellings with associated access and landscaping at Haymans Mill, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington.

43/24/0074 Erection of a ground floor extension, with roof terrace above to the rear of 2 White Hart Court, White Hart Lane, Wellington (resubmission of 43/24/0039).

43/24/0076/T Application to carry out management works to one oak tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.5) Tree Preservation Order 2007 at 2a Blackdown Road, Wellington (TD1037).

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only in the reception of The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending August 30:


02/24/0005 Erection of single garage with attached art studio at West Lodge, Ash Priors, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.

02/24/0006 Replacement of verandah structures with insertion of glazing panels to roof above each ground floor window opening to the front of The Priory, Ash Priors, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


18/24/0010/T Notification to remove four stems from a multi-stemmed sycamore tree within Halse Conservation Area at Manor Cottage, Halsend, Halse, NO OBJECTION – TREES.


21/24/0007 Erection of extension to Unit 2a Lowmoor Industrial Estate, Tonedale, Wellington, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.

21/24/0010/T Notification to fell one cypress tree within Langford Budville Conservation Area at Croxhall, Langford Budville Road, Langford Budville, NO OBJECTION – TREES.


23/24/0026/T Notification to fell one birch tree and one dead maple (permission not required) and to carry out management works to two yews, one cherry and a group of bay trees within Milverton Conservation Area at Little Fort and Lancaster House, St. Michael's Hill, Milverton, NO OBJECTION – TREES.


43/23/0056 Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access, for a mixed use development of up to 200 No. dwellings, employment land (Use Classes E & F), an internal spine road to facilitate a rail halt/station, public open space, drainage & associated infrastructure on land north of Taunton Road, Longforth Park, Wellington (DEPARTURE FROM LOCAL PLAN)., CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.

43/24/0038 Application for approval of reserved matters following outline application 43/06/0016 for the scale, siting, design, access, external appearance and landscaping for 2 No. terraced blocks of industrial accommodation providing 16 No. units on Plot 19 Westpark 26, Chelston, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


45/24/0006/T Application to fell one ash tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (West Bagborough No.1) Tree Preservation Order 1994 at Adelaide Cottage, West Bagborough (TD609), CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.