Planning applications from Somerset council the week ending February 28


10/25/0003 - CHMI - DD Erection of a part single storey and part two storey extension to the front of Hunters Barn, Hunters Lodge, Taunton Road, Churchinford


43/25/0012/VSC - sifo – DD Variation to Section 106 agreement on application 48/16/0033 for the modification of planning obligations to amend Schedule 3 (access for Network Rail), Schedule 5 (Highway Works) and Schedule 6 (The Station Square) on land north of Taunton Road, Longforth Farm, Wellington


49/25/0010 - SW - DD Erection of single storey extensions to the side and rear, replacement of roof with slates and PV array, addition of insulated render finish to all external walls and erection of detached garage at 9 Eastleigh Close, Wiveliscombe

The following applications and notifications have been decided:


30/23/0031 Erection of 1 No. dwelling in the garden to the rear with retention of garage at Pixie Lawn, Blagdon Hill, Taunton CONDITIONAL APPROVAL


43/24/0081 Change of use of public house to a community space on the ground floor, office space on the first floor and residential conversion of a 2 No. bedroomed flat into a 3 No. bedroomed dwelling at The Dolphin Inn, Waterloo Road, Wellington (retention of part works already undertaken) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

43/24/0100 Erection of pavilion building at Wellington Tennis Courts, Courtland Road, Wellington CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

43/25/0001/T Notification to carry out management works to one hornbeam tree, one rowan and one maple within Wellington Conservation Area adjacent to South Street, Wellington NO OBJECTION – TREES


49/22/0012 Change of use of storage hut into 1 No. unit of holiday accommodation at the former BT Hut, Croford as amended by agents email of 4 August 2022 and Dr No. 104820-XX-XX-M2-Y-00007 Rev P01 Swept Path Analysis, Estate Car. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

The applications and notifications can be inspected at, or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.