Planning applications from Somerset council the week ending February 21.


23/25/0007 - CHMI - DD Demolition of timber outbuilding and erection of garden annexe for ancillary accommodation at 1 Fairfield Terrace, Wood Street, Milverton


27/25/0004 - DT - DD Installation of 60 No. ground mounted solar panel array and cabinet shed at Whisperfields, Hill Road, North Fitzwarren (retention of works already undertaken)


42/25/0004/T - DG - DD Application to fell two sycamore trees and to carry out management works to one group of sycamores (coppice), one Holm Oak (re-pollard to previous pollard points) and one yew tree (remove eastern stem) included in Taunton Deane Borough (Trull No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 on the west side of Honiton Road, opposite Kings Gatchell, Trull (TD756)

The following applications and notifications have been decided:


23/24/0046/LB Various external and internal alterations to convert Rosemary Cottage and Chapel House into 1 No. dwelling at Chapel House, Fore Street, Milverton (retention of part works already undertaken). CONDITIONAL APPROVAL


35/24/0009 Demolition of stable block and erection of garage/storage building at Meadow View, Greenham Quarry Road, Wellington (amended scheme to 35/23/0006). CONDITIONAL APPROVAL


43/24/0120 Demolition of conservatory and erection of a single storey extension to the rear and detached garage in the garden of 27 High Path, Station Road, Wellington. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

43/25/0001/T Notification to carry out management works to one hornbeam tree, one rowan and one maple within Wellington Conservation Area adjacent to South Street, Wellington. NO OBJECTION – TREES

43/25/0002/T Application to carry out management works to 10 poplar trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.1) Tree Preservation Order 1993 at Wellington School, adjacent to Chamford Lane and Swains Lane, Wellington (TD581). CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

Applications and notifications can be inspected on at , or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.