Planning applications from Somerset council the week ending February 7.

The following applications and notifications have been received for consideration and can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.


07/25/0001 - DT - DD Erection of 1 No. single storey dwelling to link to the double garage building at Parkfield House, Bradford Road, Bradford on Tone.


27/24/0036 - DT - DD Demolition of buildings and erection of 4 No. dwellings with associated works at Heathfield Nursery, Halse Road, Oake (amended scheme to 27/21/0030)

27/25/0002 - DT - DD Erection of freestanding brise soleil, balcony and louvres at Plot 1, Oake View Close, Oake Road, Oake


43/25/0005 - CHMI - DD Erection of a single storey extension to the rear with erection of detached garage at Sunnybank, 63 Rockwell Green, Wellington

43/25/0008/T - DG - DD Application to fell one oak tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.1) Tree Preservation Order 2006 at Wellington Medical Centre, Mantle Street, Wellington (TD997)


44/25/0001 - CHMI - DD Erection of a two storey extension to the side and a single storey extension to the rear side, with erection of single storey link extensions to the side and rear of Woodlands Cottage, Ford Street, Wellington


49/25/0003 - SW - DD Change of use of building, with internal alterations, to a mixed use of public conveniences and Class F2(b) community/meeting space at Public Conveniences, North Street, Wiveliscombe

The following applications and notifications have been decided and can be viewed on-line at


23/25/0001/T Notification to fell one cherry tree and to carry out management works to a group of four beech trees within Milverton Conservation Area at The Vicarage, Parsonage Lane, Milverton. NO OBJECTION - TREES


26/24/0009 Erection of stable block at Long Barn, Luckham Bridge Road, Nynehead (retention of works already undertaken). CONDITIONAL APPROVAL


43/24/0113 Erection of spectators stand at Wellington Playing Field, Courtland Road, Wellington. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL

43/24/0119/A Display of 1 No. internally illuminated freestanding D6 small format advertising sign at Mantle Street, Wellington. REFUSAL


49/24/0007 Variation of Condition No. 10 of application 49/19/0012 to change the use class of the building to include Class E(g) and Class E(a) at Unit 1 Wiveliscombe Enterprise Centre, Sandys Moor, Wiveliscombe. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL