Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending November 15:


23/24/0038 Repairs and upgrades to flood damaged garden wall at Lower Lovelynch Farm, Burn Hill, Milverton.

23/24/0039/LB Repairs and upgrades to flood damaged garden wall at Lower Lovelynch Farm, Burn Hill, Milverton.

23/24/0040 Erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear, porch to front and conversion of loft at Archery Close, Butts Way, Milverton


27/24/0037/T Application to carry out management works to one oak tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Oake No.1) Tree Preservation Order 1982 at Oakford, Bradford Road, Oake (TD255).


43/24/0091/T Application to carry out management works to one pine tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1977 overhanging 11 Halfyard Court, Wellington (TD124).

43/24/0106 Change of use of bakery and coffee shop to licensed restaurant (Class E) at 2 High Street, Wellington.


44/24/0020 Installation of air source heat pump at Snakkercombe Farm, Briscoe Lane, Wellington.


45/24/0010 Removal of 15m monopole and supporting 6 No. antenna and installation of 17.5m dual stack pole with 6 No. supporting antenna, 1 No. transmission dish, 2 No. equipment cabinets and relocation of 2 No. equipment cabinets with ancillary development thereto at London Farm, New Road, West Bagborough.


46/24/0012 Variation of Condition No's 2 (approved plans) and 4 (to extend the time to complete the road widening) of application 46/12/0007 at Blackdown Garden Centre, Wellington Road, West Buckland.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only in the reception of The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending November 15:


02/24/0010/T Notification to fell one Monkey Puzzle tree within Ash Priors Conservation Area at Old School House, Ash Priors, NO OBJECTION – TREES.

02/24/0011 Enlargement of door opening on south west elevation at The Stables, Ash Priors Road, Ash Priors, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


53/24/0001 Change of use of builders building and yard into 1 No. dwelling with associated works and change of use of land to residential at Plot 2, Dene Road, Cotford St Luke, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


27/24/0029 Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 27/22/0012 for the addition of freestanding brise soleil, balcony and louvres required for solar shading at Oake View Farm, Oake Road, Oake, REFUSAL.


43/24/0086 Erection of extension to the rear of the garage at 12 Immenstadt Drive, Wellington, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.

43/24/0096 Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 8 The Paddocks, Wellington, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


45/24/0009/T Notification to carry out management works to one beech tree within West Bagborough Conservation Area at Richards, West Bagborough Road, West Bagborough (as amended), NO OBJECTION – TREES.


49/24/0048/LB Repairs and cleaning of the war memorial in the recreation ground at West Street, Wiveliscombe, WITHDRAWN BY AGENT/APPLICANT.

49/24/0049/LB Renewal of lettering on war memorial at St Andrews Church, Church Street, Wiveliscombe, WITHDRAWN BY AGENT/APPLICANT.