A BOXING Day scything session in Wellington Town Council’s Linden Meadow which saw the grass cut and wildflower seeds sown could become an annual tradition.

Several volunteers took part in the two-hour Transition Town Wellington (TTW) event to cut the grass at the edge of a new woodland glade in the meadow, in Westford, and sow the seeds.

A spokesperson said: “Hopefully, they will germinate in the spring and help the site become more biodiverse and provide food for butterflies and other insects.

“We also cut some nettles under the luccombe oak to provide somewhere to sit in the shade in the summer.”

TTW ran a successful trial session in 2022 aimed at those who like to get out and about to walk their dogs or go wild swimming early on Boxing Day.

The spokesperson said: “It is great to get some fresh air and exercise in between all the eating, drinking, and sitting.

“Maybe it will become a new tradition.”

TTW is holding another session in Linden Meadow on Wednesday (January 3) at 9 am when members will prune an elm hedge.

It will welcome volunteers to help, who can just turn up on the day and who do not need any previous experience, but should wear suitable shoes and gardening gloves.

TTW has also launched a new website and is looking for new members to join its activities.

Details of TTW sub-groups can be found here.

TTW chairman Anita Roy this week also paid tribute to Richard Fox, who died on Boxing Day.

Ms Roy, who was a neighbour of his, said: “Richard was such a generous soul and always had a word of encouragement, advice, and support.

Transition Town Wellington chairman Anita Roy with Richard Fox at The Basins.
Transition Town Wellington chairman Anita Roy with Richard Fox at The Basins. (TTW)

“I would often see him walking up Springfield Road or off to catch the bus.

“I am so glad that we had a chance to make our film about Wellington's historic waterways with Richard while he was still able to.

“He was an amazing treasure trove of local history as well as a real gentleman.

“This feels like a real loss at the heart of our little community.”

TTW treasurer Helen Gillingham said: “Richard was such a great supporter of so many local community groups, coming out in all weathers to lend a hand at events at The Basins, leading the Wellington gardening group, a valued member of the TTW core group, and sharing his wisdom, artwork, and poetry.

“He was a truly kind and selfless gentleman, always putting other people before himself.

“He will be greatly missed.”