BEECH Grove School pupil Alex Potter has picked up this year’s Wellington Town Council community award in the youth section.

Alex was chosen by a panel of councillors for his pride in Wellington shown through his efforts to keep the town tidy by litter picking.

Town clerk Dave Farrow said: “Alex has been litter picking around his house in public areas, helping to keep Wellington clean.

Wellington Town Council community awards were presented this year to Beech Grove School pupil Alex Potter and community centre chairman Dave Mitton, who are pictured with Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd and Alex's mum Abby.
Wellington Town Council community awards were presented this year to Beech Grove School pupil Alex Potter and community centre chairman Dave Mitton, who are pictured with Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd and Alex's mum Abby. (Tindle News)

“He has his own litter picker and a bag and he walks with his mum and sometimes his brother, and collects as much litter as he can and disposes it of it properly.

“Alex has demonstrated a huge amount of pride in our town and is an example for other youngsters to follow and very worthy of receiving this year’s award.”

The award was presented by Wellington Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd to Alex accompanied by his mother Abby Potter.

The civic category award went to former town councillor and mayor Dave Mitton, who chairs Wellington Community Centre’s management committee and has served on other organisations.

Mr Farrow said: “The community centre is a valuable facility and has survived some difficult times thanks to Dave's efforts.

“The great bulk of the day to day work needed to keep the centre open for the townspeople to use has been undertaken personally by him, or has been led by him.

Odette's tea room's Toby Brimacombe receives Wellington Town Council's community business award from Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd.
Odette's tea room's Toby Brimacombe receives Wellington Town Council's community business award from Mayor Cllr Janet Lloyd. (Tindle News)

“Dave has also brought prestige to Wellington by holding the office of chairman of the Somerset Association of Local Councils for many years, stepping down only recently.

“He is an unsung community hero of Wellington who has worked selflessly in many roles to improve the town and make it a better place in which to live, work, and play, seeking no recognition for his efforts.”

The community award went to Wellington Women In Business founders Marion Vincent and Zoe Old.

Mr Farrow said the panel praised their passion for supporting local women in all aspects of running their own businesses.

He said: “They not only help women with driving their projects forward into a sustainable future but also help with their mental health and wellbeing.

“Their group is growing month by month and these women are fantastic ambassadors for Wellington.

“They deserve recognition for their hard work and commitment to others in the community and beyond.”

The final award was for business, which Cllr Lloyd presented to Toby Brimacombe, who last year took over Wellington tea room Odette’s from former councillor Nancy Powell-Brace.

Mr Farrow said: “The events they do are always warm and welcoming, such as the couples dinners on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day deals, and Toby ran a big dinner event on Christmas Day hosting those who do not have a family, giving up his own Christmas with his family to do so.

“Odette’s have also opened for year 10 and 11 students to use the tea room for free as a study area, providing them with stationery, past exam papers, and free food and drink to help them prepare for their exams the best they can.”