Joining the team at Musgrove Park Hospital is the latest in robotic technology.

Dubbed 'MUSBOT', the machine is said to be at the cutting edge of robotic technology.

Consultant colorectal surgeon Richard Bamford said MUSBOT is already earning his keep. 

“It has been used in operating theatres since June and I have personally used it for 20 bowel operations.  It’s a fantastic piece of kit – but contrary to what people might think the robot doesn’t actually conduct the surgery!

“But it really does help the surgeon to carry out more accurate, more sophisticated, less invasive surgery – and that clearly benefits the patients.”

The new joiner was made possible thanks to a £1.5 million donation from the hospital's League of Friends. The group has provided more than £4 million worth of equipment to the hospital in their time.

Now it is appealing for help to fund a specialised operating table and other accessories to support the robotic surgery.

Anyone who wants to donate can get information from the League of Friends website or from