TOWN councillors have been thanked for funding Wellington primary schools to take part in dementia awareness teaching.

Multi award-winning Wellington charity Reminiscence Learning has a national ‘Archie Project’ which it delivers in primary schools across the country.

‘Archie’ links year four pupils with a local care setting and educates the children on the signs, symptoms, and types of dementia in order to break down barriers and tackle stigmas which can often be associated with those living with dementia.

Reminiscence Learning founder and chief executive Fiona Mahoney expressed her ‘heartfelt thanks’ to the town council for ‘once again providing such a wonderful and informative opportunity for Wellington’s young residents’.

The council has a three-year funding support package agreed with the charity and has approved a £5,000 increase after hearing funds previously provided by Somerset Council were being withdrawn as the authority struggled to avoid going bankrupt.

Ms Mahoney said the town council support meant primary schools could continue to take part in the ‘Archie Project’ for a further academic year.

Reminiscence Learning chief executive Fiona Mahoney
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The teaching is delivered via workshops with relaxed and friendly question and answer discussions, games, and teacher-led workbook activities following a timeline which was flexible for the school over the course of the academic year.

‘Archie’ places great importance on the preservation of personal choice and identity for all individuals, and focuses on how youngsters can personally help those living with dementia through their own speech and actions.

The children explore the ways in which they can help spread such knowledge and awareness throughout their local community.

The project includes visits to, and ongoing interactions with, care home residents allow pupils to put their newfound knowledge to use and provide a wealth of activity, amusement, and conversation for those living in care settings.

Ms Mahoney, an occupational therapist with both physical and mental health experience, founded Reminiscence Learning in 2001 and it became a registered charity two years later and permanently based in Wellington since 2015.

Any school or care setting which wants to discuss the Archie Project should call Reminiscence Learning on 018263 66 86 76 or email [email protected].