Plans for a new KFC in Westpark could create 30 new jobs.

Proposals to build a a new branch of the fast food chain on the edge of Wellington would create 30 jobs, according to the applicants, Summerfield Developments.

These would comprise 18 part-time and 12 full-time roles at the proposed single-storey 2,680 sq ft restaurant.

The company’s planning agent Mike Taylor, of Bristol-based Angus Meek Architects said:  “The unit has been located and orientated to afford good prominence from the main approach road.”

Wellington Cllr Andrew Govier welcomed the plans, saying: "It is positive that we are now getting national and international companies coming to the Wellington area.

“It widens the appeal of that estate to people and hopefully it will bring more people into Wellington as well.

“Once they have had their KFC they will hopefully come into the town and see what we have to offer in the shops in the town centre as well.”

A spokesperson for KFC said its workers can make quick progress toward promotion and management positions: “There are not many businesses where you can progress to running a large restaurant and managing a team of 40 in your early twenties.

“But our commitment to training has helped that happen for so many within KFC.”

The Westpark estate was originally intended as a business and light industry employment site. However, since its approval on that basis in 2007, its use has expanded to incorporate retail, food and leisure outlets.

Westpark now features a McDonalds, Costa, Subway amongst others, with the addition of KFC under consideration.