A THREE-WHEELED motorcycle is being trialled by Wellington's police team as part of Avon and Somerset Police's wider environment and sustainability plan.

The motorcycle, loaned to the police free of charge by the manufacturer, uses hybrid technology capable of far greater fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions than the majority of the force's regular patrol fleet.

"The trial will involve testing the vehicle for its suitability in a wide range of community policing roles in both urban and rural settings," said a police spokesman.

"It’s unlikely this will ever fully replace car or pedal cycle patrol, but it’s an interesting alternative and so we’re looking forward to putting it through its paces and providing valuable feedback."

Police said if anyone saw PCSO Steve Hill out on patrol on the bike "feel free to stop and chat to him as we're sure he'll be more than happy to show you around."

PHOTO: Courtesy of Wellington Police.