POLICE and fire crews say they will not enter parts of Tonedale Mill for fears of the buildings 'dangerous' condition.

Wellington's police sergeant, Jon O'Connor, revealed the concerns in an address to town councillors on Monday, August 7. He said: "I visited Tonedale Mill as part of a group of interested parties to meet with the owner to discuss the security of the site and make some urgent recommendations.

"Both ourselves and the Fire Service had received numerous calls in recent weeks of persons climbing inside and on some occasions of fires being lit. The hazards and dangers within the site are of such severity that neither of our services would be prepared to enter the buildings."

Mr O'Connor told the site owner that they needed to beef up security on the site, including security patrols:

"We stressed to the owner the immediate importance of properly securing the site and that there would need to be physical security patrols from now on as this was their responsibility as owner.

"Not only is this a safety issue but to preserve the integrity of this historical site. To date we have received no further reports of intruders and there will be a further site visit and review in due course to ensure our expectations are met."

It comes after Wellington Town Council complained the security measures at the mill were "inadequate", following a series of incidents of trespass and arson in July.