WELLINGTON’S biggest charity Reminiscence Learning this week gave a big ‘thank you’ to staff of the Taunton branch of national plumbing supplier Plumbase for their ‘true public spirit and generosity’ in supporting its move to a new headquarters.

The charity is relocating this month from Tonedale, where it has been based since 2015, to new premises in Ham, a mile outside the town, after being unable to find anywhere suitable in Wellington.

It approached Plumbase to ask if it could provide help with any standard and mobility-assistive bathroom parts for the new premises and was overwhelmed when it was able to supply every item on the charity’s wish list.

Plumbase manager Ben Yarde and assistant manager James May also agreed to store the goods until they were required and then deliver to the charity’s new home on the Camelot House estate at a time convenient to ongoing building work at the premises.

A Reminiscence Learning spokesperson said: “The donation from Plumbase has saved us an enormous amount of money that can now proactively be spent on the well-being of our clients.

“We now have a much-needed buffer to ensure we can make necessary structural and environmental modifications that were on our wish list to provide a warm, welcoming, comfortable, and navigable environment for our community service users when they come into the building.

“We honestly cannot thank Plumbase Galmington more profoundly or more sincerely for their generosity and support in our vital work, it truly has made such a difference to our ongoing plans.”