THERE are plans in the pipeline to hold a Green Man Folk Festival in Wellington next summer to celebrate the wonders of nature.

John Jarrett gave a presentation to Wellington Town Council’s economic development committee on September 11 where he explained there would be a parade through the town before an event in Wellington Park, with the Green Man used as a symbol of seasonal renewal and ecological awareness.

Mr Jarrett said the parade would possibly start at the Cleve Hotel and go down Mantle Street, Fore Street and High Street before turning into Longforth Road, Victoria Street and Courtland Road before reaching its destination.

The parade would see a Birdman at the head of the procession with the Green Man walking in the middle and under a canopy carried by four people.

Mr Jarrett said there would be musicians followed by Flower Faeries and Morris Dancers to “add a bit of colour and bells” while there would also be a special song written for the parade.

“If this takes off we could see hundreds of people coming into the town and spending money in our shops,” he added. “The festival might start off small, but it could build into something much bigger and making it a weekend event.”

Committee chairman, Cllr Chris Booth, said it was a “fascinating presentation.”

Councillors wanted to know what Mr Jarrett was expecting the town council to do to help – thinking he might be looking for some financial support.

But Mr Jarrett said: “I just want to let the council know what I want to do, but I don’t want to ask the council for money.”

Councillors said they liked the idea, although they advised the parade might need to be scaled down a bit because of the costs involved in road closures.

Cllr Mike McGuffie said: “I am very supportive of this, although I would say keep it simple for the first time. But I think it is a charming idea.”

Cllr John Thorne added: “I like the idea of this. I am aware of the similar May Day Parade taking place in Padstow in Cornwall which has been going for around 200 years, so it might take a while for this one in Wellington to get to that level – but all these things have to start somewhere.”

Cllr Mark Lithgow said: “If we have got people in the town wanting to put the effort in and put events on, then why not? We can support this.

“We are the Somerset apple county after all and the Green Man is all about that.”

The Mayor, Cllr Janet Lloyd, said the council should not support the event in helping with its organisation as staff had “got enough on as it is” and that she would not be in favour of financial assistance either.

Cllr Keith Wheatley said: “I think we should endorse the event and see how Mr Jarrett and his group get on and until then I don’t think we should get involved.”