MASSIVE plans for the proposed development site to serve the planned Wellington Railway Station will be discussed next week by local councillors.

Members of Wellington Town Council’s planning committee will meet on Monday (July 3) to look at the proposals put forward by the West of England Developments (Taunton) Ltd.

The applicants have asked the Somerset Council unitary authority for outline planning permission for a mixed use development of up 220 homes, employment land, a car park and an internal road network to allow for the planned railway station to proceed on land north of Taunton Road at Longforth Park.

A mass of paperwork and documents have been submitted to Somerset Council and these are available for people to view on the council’s website at The application concerns using land for housing and employment, along with public open space, drainage and associated infrastructure – rather than the actual railway station itself.

A design and access statement from the applicants has said that the planned homes would range from one and two bedroom apartments, right up to five-bedroom homes, while up to 30 per cent of the accommodation would be classed as “affordable homes.”

Planned employment would be included in the “hop off” railway station area at the top of the development site with possible uses being cafes, coffee shops, a bakery, small convenience stores and newsagents, as well as small businesses, offices and community spaces.

The main point of access to the development site will be from Nynehead Road by the new Lidl store, while a toucan pedestrian crossing will be installed on Taunton Road.

The application on the table is just for outline permission – so there will be a lot more detailed information which will need to be worked on and agreed before it really is full-steam ahead for the development.

But it will get the ball rolling on this hugely important project for Wellington which went out to public consultation back in 2021.

But one person has already raised concerns about the number of houses being proposed for the development.

“I have no objection to the building of a railway station,” they said on the council’s website. “I feel that this is desperately needed for a town the size of Wellington particularly with other new developments being built.

“I am also in favour of a dedicated toucan crossing across the existing Taunton Road and dedicated cycle routes.

“I do, however, have serious reservations about the number of new dwellings proposed and the number of potential new residents - over 300 as estimated - particularly on the current local healthcare facilities such as doctor’s surgeries and dental practices.

“It is already impossible to get a physical appointment with a doctor and unless these establishment's resources are increased substantially I can only see things getting much worse. I think a smaller development with affordable housing units would be more ideal.”

Members of Wellington Town Council’s planning committee will meet at the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street on Monday, July 3, from 6pm. They will either oppose or support the application with a final decision being made at a later date by Somerset Council.