PLANS have been lodged with Somerset Council for nearly 100 solar panels in a field near Chipstable to power a holiday cottage business.

James Iago wants to install the ground mounted solar array for his Manor Mill holiday homes just off the B3227, in Waterrow Road.

Planning agent Ben Jepson said the Manor Mill site was about 3.3 acres and comprised self-catering holiday cottages set in a large area of open land and gardens.

Mr Jepson said Mr Iago wanted to put 88 solar panels in a corner of a field north of the cottages to provide renewable sustainable electricity for the holiday business energy demands.

He said it was proposed to use ground mounted Renusol console+ ballasted frames which meant they would not require any concrete foundations.

Mr Jepson said: “Solar panel arrays are considered significant in the national and local climate change agenda to produce renewable energy and reduce the carbon footprint.

“Due to the lie of the land, it is unlikely the panels will be overly prominent within the landscape from a public viewpoint and subject to any mitigation needed for wildlife and biodiversity are considered to be acceptable in principle.

“There is no loss of significance to the setting and any consideration of harm is outweighed by environmental benefits.”

Mr Jepson said wildflower seeding would enhance the distinctiveness of the existing vegetation and the area would be managed as a wildflower meadow, with two annual cuts to the functional areas to keep the height of the plants low and avoid shading the panels.

Remaining areas around the perimeter would have one cut per year with all cuttings removed to reduce the soil fertility and provide favourable conditions for the wildflowers.

Mr Jepson said: “The panels have been strategically arranged to ensure they do not conflict with any potentially sensitive features, which might include habitat interest.”

He said mature trees on the site boundaries and the discreet location of the solar panels would limit any perceived visual harm.

Mr Jepson said: “The advantage gained is in the carbon emission reduction through the use of clean, renewable energy.”