AN ORGANIC Wiveliscombe bakery is celebrating two years of serving “sustainable and organic” products to hungry members of the community

Longstraw Bakery in Wiveliscombe will soon celebrate two years since its opening in October 2022.

Founded by former freelance journalist James Cartwright and long-time baker Freddie Bullough, Longstraw bakery prides itself on an ethos of sustainability.

The duo works closely with the South West Grain Network and True South West Flour to produce a variety of organic baked goods, driven by an interest in regenerative agriculture and sustainable food systems.

James said: “We’re sustainable by choice and by design.”

“We’ve worked with the South West Grain Network for six to seven years, so we’re using organic local grain, and it’s a better price for farmers.”

The South West Grain Network is working towards an “alternative, human-scale, non-commodity grain economy” through the provision of traceable and sustainable grains with the hope of replacing some of the wider reliance on high volume, modern wheat varieties.

According to James, the thing about the South West Grain Network is that “all of its work is based on relationships.”

Freddie, a baker from the age of 15, highlighted the importance of investing time and effort into improving local relations.

She said: “We want to involve ourselves more in the community. Maybe with pizza nights or similar. We’re keen to see how the bakery could become part of the hub here.”

Longstraw Bakery take orders from Fridays at 5pm until Wednesday at 2pm.