A WELLINGTON veteran of the D-Day landings has celebrated his 100th birthday – with a top secret surprise.

Royal Navy First Lieutenant Richard Willis was the second in command of a landing craft tasked with taking US tanks and troops to the Normandy beach codenamed UTAH, as part of Operation Overlord.

He was wounded during the attack with shrapnel embedded in his leg and many years later was awarded the Legion d'Honneur by the French Government.

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Vice Lord Lieutenant of Somerset Ted Allen meets 100-year-old D-Day veteran Richard Willis in Nynehead Court.

This week, Mr Willis celebrated turning 100 years old in Nynehead Court, where he now lives. He previously lived in Greenham Barton.

Vice Lord Lieutenant of Somerset Ted Allen attended to thank Mr Willis on behalf of King Charles for his war service and present him with a birthday card signed by the King and Queen.

Mr Allen said: “It is an honour for me to be here today to celebrate the milestone birthday of a remarkable man.

“The country owes all our veterans an enormous debt of gratitude and it was a joy for me to be able to express that gratitude on behalf of His Majesty.”

The Lieutenancy organised for Mr Willis to be presented with a D-Day chart of the Utah beach landings, prepared by the UK Hydrographic Office and held in its archives in Taunton.

The chart - once labelled ‘Top Secret’ - was inscribed: “Presented to Lieut Richard Willis…on the occasion of his 100th birthday. With the thanks and admiration of the Lord Lieutenant and the people of Somerset.”

It was presented by Hydrographic Office chief executive Rear Admiral Peter Sparkes, who said: “Landings onto opposed beaches are among the most dangerous combat experiences in any conflict.

“The fact that D-Day landings were successful changed the course of the Second World War.

“The sacrifices made in those days should never be forgotten.

“To honour one of our local veterans in this way is really the least we could do.”

It was an emotional day for Mr Willis, who was surrounded by his family.

He said: “I am not sure what I have done to deserve this.

“I was just there.

“But D-Day was an experience I will never forget.”

Two other former senior military officers were also present for the birthday celebrations, Rear Admiral Ian Moncrieff and Brigadier Richard Toomey, both of whom are Deputy Lord Lieutenants of Somerset

After leaving the Royal Navy, Mr Willis became a professional artist and his work, particularly in maritime art, achieved high acclaim.

Much of his work was influenced by his wartime experiences and he was the youngest ever exhibitor at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1942.