NEW Wellington MP Gideon Amos has backed a Liberal Democrat amendment to the King’s Speech in one of his first votes in Parliament.

The amendment called on the Government to support families during the cost of living crisis and to tackle poverty, including by extending free school meals to all children in poverty, scrapping the two-child benefit cap, and ensuring rural communities and farmers receive adequate support.

It also focused on improving the health and care system and fixing the scandal of water companies discharging raw sewage into rivers.

Mr Amos had campaigned on all three issues during his 2024 General Election campaign.

Before the House debate, Mr Amos spoke to a gathering of teachers and parents in Parliament Square and set out the party’s record of first bringing in free school meals and its commitment to extending them.

Mr Amos said: “We cannot expect children across the country to thrive in the education system if they are going hungry.

“Over 900,000 children living in poverty currently miss out on free school meals.

“We believe education is the best investment we can make in our country’s future, children cannot learn with empty stomachs.”

Mr Amos is backing a campaign for all children in primary education and all secondary school children from low-income households to receive free school meals.

After the debate, in which the Government voted down the proposed amendment, he said: “It is disappointing the Government opposed these proposals which would at a single stroke massively reduce child poverty.

“But I was proud to use one of my first votes in Parliament to support an amendment which put the cost of living, fixing the health and care crisis and the sewage scandal, at its heart. 

“People in Taunton and Wellington voted for me to champion our local area and help people with the challenges they face by getting change for the better, and that is exactly what I am doing in Parliament.

“I will keep working to ensure this new Government listens and acts on these priorities, especially where they have claimed they are willing to do so.”