VOLUNTEERS will be helping to tidy up ‘a hidden gem’ churchyard near Wiveliscombe on Saturday (August 17), followed by a barbecue.

The work by the Milverton Conservation Volunteer Group (MCVG) is part of an ongoing restoration to a meadow-like environment of St John The Baptist Churchyard, Tolland, which started in 2020.

The volunteers now cut the churchyard annually in August or later each year.

A spokesperson said: “Tolland churchyard has fantastic potential to become a delightful wildflower and wildlife area.

“With a little planning, the area could have a very meadow-like feel with the benefit of low maintenance.

“Getting the meadow-like appearance will take a little time to achieve, and it will look slightly unkempt for a while, but it will be worth the effort.

“The aim is to reduce the grass growth by only cutting after the meadow flowers have dropped their seeds.

“These meadow flowers will eventually take over and naturally reduce the growth of the grass.

“This will eventually break the cycle of regular mowing that suppresses the meadow flowers and only encourages the plants such as common couch grass (Elymus repens) that will spread by creeping rhizomes.”

Anybody who wants to help the project is being asked to go along at 10am and take with them gardening gloves and appropriate footwear.

MCVG, which was founded in 2013 by residents Trevor Phelps and Gwil Wren, can provide a limited number of hand tools such as rakes and loppers which can be shared with volunteers who do not have their own.