A COUNCILLOR accused Wellington Town Council of “letting groups in the town down” on failing to get things done on the Green Corridor project.
Cllr Mike McGuffie, chairman of the council’s environment committee, went into a quietly-spoken rant during the committee’s latest meeting on January 22 about things which had been planned, but had so far yet to materialise.
He said the council was letting down groups such as Transition Town Wellington and those involved with the Community Farm project – key groups involved in the Green Corridor.
“I think we have let them down,” said Cllr McGuffie.
The town council took on the responsibility of 64-acres of land – known as the Green Corridor – for public use in 2022 covering an area stretching from Tonedale to Hilly Head and includes parts of The Basins nature reserve.
But as Cllr McGuffie continued to air his frustrations, it was not long before town clerk Dave Farrow – who had kept his calm – finally gave in and responded.
“I’m not going to accept that we’ve let people down,” said Mr Farrow. “I am not denying that there are things in the plan which haven’t been done yet.
“But I can’t accept that we’re not pulling our weight. I can take the point you are trying to make, but I’m not accepting it.”
Cllr McGuffie has been disappointed of late over his committee’s budgetary constraints. He is a big supporter of environmental projects and his passion for the subject is unquestionable and possibly why sometimes his enthusiasm spills over into frustration.
Cllr Sean Pringle-Kosikowsky said the town council had “grown and grown” since he and Cllr McGuffie had first joined as councillors.
“We have gone through a pandemic and we are now taking on land and getting a team together to manage open spaces,” he said.

Cllr Pringle-Kosikowksy said the council’s staff was doing all it could and that there was a lot of work to do behind the scenes such as risk assessments and health and safety requirements before carrying out relatively simple tasks.
But he added: “I’m amazed with what we have actually done.”
The heated discussion had come when councillors were discussing a request for further funding to support a woodland creation scheme in the Green Corridor.
Open spaces manager Darren Hill had asked the committee for extra funding to pay for 30 tree stakes and six bundles of chestnut fencing following an oversight by the Woodland Trust.
Cllr Mike McGuffie said: “If we did this then we wouldn’t be able to spend anything else on the Green Corridor until April.”
The Deputy Mayor, Cllr Catherine Govier, said: “I would be mindful to go-ahead with this. I am sure that if there was anything urgent needed doing, we would be able to find the money to do it.”
Councillors voted in favour of supporting the Woodland Trust’s request with quotes for the supplies coming in at just over £1,000.
And Cllr McGuffie added: “I withdraw the comment I made about the council letting down other groups.”