WELLINGTON'S mayor Marcus Barr has welcomed the new year by launching a two week jumble sale for charity.

The sale began on New Years Day, after members of the public donated a stock of clothes, trinkets and other 'jumble' goods in late December.

Cllr Barr will be manning the Fore Street Pop Up Shop until January 14, where he will be raising money for Rockwell Green Primary School and the Wellington Majorettes.

In just two days the jumble sale had successfully raised hundreds of pounds for the mayor's chosen good causes, with Cllr Barr expressing his delight at the array of items brought in by residents. He said:

"I am delighted to see great support from local people, both in donating items and in their generous purchases, which will benefit Rockwell Green Primary School and the Wellington Majorettes.

"The success of the event demonstrates the value of the Pop Up Shop, which has become a valuable community asset since the town council took it over a few years ago.

"I hope we can make these kind of charity fundraisers a permanent fixture of the high street which is why I am calling for the creation of a community shop in Wellington - which would be run by local people for local causes.

"I will be running the sale until January 14, and I invite residents to pop in to the Pop Up to grab a great deal and support a good cause at the same time."