A MAJOR programme of road repairs and pothole filling across Somerset is expected to start this summer.
Somerset Council and highway maintenance specialists Kiely Bros have teamed up to tackle some of the county’s worst stretches.
The company will introduce a new pioneering piece of equipment, known as a ‘multipatcher’, to get the job done. This is a vehicle and a device that can carry out small scale surface dressing works, but also quickly and efficiently repair a range of other defects with just a driver and small team managing traffic.
Managing Director of Kiely Bros Ltd, Mike Kiely, said: “The preparation is time-consuming, but this essential program ensures that once our crews return later in the Summer to start the surface dressing work, we are able to deliver efficient and effective surface treatments, with minimal disruption to the residents and road users of Somerset.”
Following extensive surveys 17,000 m2 of pre-patching was completed across the network throughout April. These advanced works will tackle visible defects such as potholes, cracks or subsidence. It is essential to fix these defects and fill cracks to avoid water getting in, which will otherwise freeze and expand further creating more potholes.
Once this preparation work is done, the surface treatments programme, which includes surface dressing, starts in July.

Councillor Richard Wilkins, the council’s lead member for highways and digital, said: “We are delighted to welcome the Kiely Bros team on board.
“Surface dressing and surface treatments are critically important in keeping our highways running efficiently and Kiely Bros has a fantastic record for innovation, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.”
Once the preparation work has been completed by Kiely Bros, the surface treatments program, which includes surface dressing, will start in July.
Kiely Bros has been awarded a four-year contract to carry out road services from April 1.
Road dressing can only be carried out in dry weather, so the program is flexible, and dates can change at short notice.
As well as surface dressing, the team from Kiely will be carrying out footway crack sealing, preparatory drainage, patching, and cleaning, as well as post-surfacing road markings, studs, and high-friction surfacing.