GIDEON Amos, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Taunton and Wellington, launched his General Election Campaign.

There was a full house for the event at the CICCIC in Taunton, which included a video message from the party’s Leader, Sir Ed Davey.

Mr Amos told the gathering: “We need a positive plan for our country like the Liberal Democrats’ fair deal which will put the NHS and social care as our number one priority - funded by restoring the tax on bank profits which the Conservatives cancelled.

“We need MPs who stand for values people can trust, basic standards have been lost and need to be put back.

“The Conservatives have broken trust with those who care about our rivers and environment, with those who care about decent public services, with young people with mortgages and with older people who can’t get a doctor’s appointment or to see a dentist.

“I would be an MP who stands up to the government for people here, rather than do what the occupant of Number 10 tells them.

“I want to be that MP for this, my community.”

In his video message, Sir Ed Davey said the General Election was a chance “to get that change we all so desperately want, and our country desperately needs."

He added: “Taunton and Wellington is a seat we can win and you’ve got a great candidate in Gideon Amos. I’ve known Gideon for many years - he really is first class.

“He will be a great MP for your community, but he will also be a great voice for Liberalism in Parliament.”

Rebecca Pow, MP for Tiverton and Wellington, said serving the area has been the “privilege of my life” and said she has secured “unprecedented investment locally.”

She recently said: "I have long been clear that the volume of sewage discharged into our waters is utterly unacceptable. It’s why our Plan for Water, which I was pleased to instigate as the then Water Minister, means more investment, stronger regulation, and tougher enforcement, tackling every source of pollution and ensuring swift enforcement action is taken against those who break the rules.”