THE Liberal Democrat candidate for Taunton and Wellington has welcomed the publication of his party’s election manifesto.

Among its pre-election pledges the Lib Dems promised a solution to the “health and care crisis” and to “guarantee” access to NHS dentists for anybody needing urgent dental care.

Welcoming the policy announcements, the party’s local candidate, Gideon Amos, said: “Every vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote to elect a strong local champion who will fight every day for our NHS and care, including to fix the leaking buildings at Musgrove Park Hospital.

“People desperately want change – from saving our health and care services to returning to proper community policing, the Liberal Democrats have a plan to make our community a better place. 

"I have worked on behalf of my community and to stand up to the government when that's been needed - on stopping them from closing the Royal Marines' Norton Manor Camp and on getting new measures to improve water quality in the River Tone here in Taunton. 

“Liberal Democrats standing in every constituency in the country are working hard for local people and to give communities the change they want.” 

Other policies included “giving everyone the right” to see a GP within seven days - or within 24 hours in urgent cases - with 8,000 more GPs in the NHS to deliver on the pledge.

The Lib Dems also said they would boost cancer survival rates by ensuring 100 per cent of patients would start cancer treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral .