Homeowners in Wellington should be helped with their mortgage payments, according for the area's Lib Dem parliamentary candidate.

Gideon Amos, who is seeking to represent Wellington and Taunton in parliament, made the plea after Resolution Foundation data revealed the average mortgage had soared by £2900 a year.

Mr Amos said “The super rich like the Conservatives’ Prime Minister may think it’s acceptable to believe their policies have to hurt people to work in bringing down inflation - but it was him and his Conservatives’ MP in Taunton who backed the disastrous mini-budget which sent people’s mortgage rates soaring in the first place.

“As Lib Dems we’ve made clear we would ensure government delivered up to £300 per month - £3,600 per year - to help those affected by the massive increases in mortgage payments.

“Young people are already almost frozen out of the housing market and now, as the generation who have most at stake on buying a home, they’re being penalised once again by a government with little clue of how the cost of living actually hits ordinary people”.

The Liberal Democrats have proposed that homeowners struggling to pay their mortgages should be awarded grants of up to £300 a month.

Responding to the comments, Wellington's MP Rebecca Pow said: “The Chancellor has met with the UK's principal mortgage lenders and the Financial Conduct Authority to agree the Mortgage Charter. 

“Under the plans, anyone worried about their mortgage repayments can call their lender for information and support, without any impact on their credit score.

“Moreover, for people who are at risk of losing their home, mortgage lenders have agreed to a minimum 12-month period before any repossession without consent.

“Tackling inflation is this Government’s number one priority, and it should be the number one priority for the Lib Dems too. 

“Unfortunately it appears as if the Lib Dems only policy on the matter is highly inflationary and ultimately, the people of Taunton Deane would pay the price for this sort of poor economic literacy.”