Smokers ‘incapable of consideration for others’

How to make a trip to Wellington town centre as unpleasant as possible. When negotiating the already narrow payment in the very centre of town, pedestrians are required to run the gauntlet of heavily polluted air and soiled pavement surfaces immediately outside the Iron Duke.

Imagine the state of the place if we all (sweet eaters, dog walkers, etc) just threw down what was no longer of use to us.

As it appears smokers are incapable of consideration for others, is it time to have smoking confined to entirely private property? 

David Findlay,



Cancelling the restoration of your Railways Project

Responding to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Statement this afternoon in which she announced the cancellation of the Restoring Your Railways Project, which the proposed new Wellington Railway Station was due to be part of, Mayor Janet Lloyd said ‘this is incredibly disappointing news.

The station is an essential development to support the transport infrastructure of our growing town which would have bought both economic and educational benefits to it.

There is a clear business case that supports its development so I am pleased that the Transport Secretary will be reconsidering of all the projects that had been proposed to be funded through Restoring Your Railways Project.

We will continue to work with Somerset Council, Network Rail and Gideon Amos MP to promote the importance of the project to the town and to press for the project to be allowed to continue.’

Wellington Town Council


Try something new this summer

Summer is the perfect time to try something new, so why not lend a hand in your local charity shop? The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is offering ‘taster’ sessions for anyone who wants to see what volunteering is all about.

So, whether you’re passionate about preloved, looking to meet new people, or keen to support the charity, we offer flexible volunteering roles for as little as an hour or two, without any long-term commitment. 

Our volunteers are changing the way they gift their time to us. Fitting around life commitments like studying, family or work, we’re seeing an increasing number of people opting for ad hoc shifts. And that works for us! 

With plenty of roles in store, through our Action Team, or remotely - yes you can volunteer from the comfort of your own sofa - give it a try for an hour or two. We will welcome you with open arms, and of course drinks and snacks too! Please do pop in for a cuppa or get in touch to find out more.

Every hour makes a difference, and no matter how much time you spend with us, you will be helping to fund lifesaving research. Find a role to suit you by popping into your local shop or visiting 

Sarah Boardman

Retail Volunteering Operations Manager at the British Heart Foundation


Paris Olympics: No award for animal cruelty

Whilst there will be displays of impressive human athleticism and sporting prowess and tales of athletes overcoming adversity (at the Paris Olympics), a darker undercurrent lurks – the use of horses.  

Equestrian sports are inherently cruel and have no place in a progressive society. There are countless tales of abuse in the world of equestrian sports; horses being whipped, kicked, neglected, left with bleeding wounds after aggressive use of painful artificial aids (equipment used to maximise a horse’s ‘performance), subjected to cruel (and outlawed) training regimes, pushed to their physical and mental limits and punished for not scoring highly enough.

In 2024, it is simply unacceptable and unnecessary for animals to be used in sport. Humans at their best are compassionate, respectful, and willing to change for the better. These qualities are gold-medal worthy whilst the subjugation of an innocent animal is not. 

Nina Copleston-Hawkens,

Animal Aid Campaigner


Fuel costs remaining high for drivers

Reports today have today shared how fuel costs remain high for drivers. Richard Evans, head of technical services at webuyanycar commented:

“Rising motoring costs are unsurprisingly taking a toll, as our research revealed 4 in 10 drivers (40%) trying to drive less as a result of expensive fuel.”

“As households unfortunately feel the pinch from rising costs across the board, there are a few things drivers can do to get the most out of their fuel. The more weight a car is carrying, the more fuel it will consume, so remove anything that isn’t needed.”

“Driving habits have a huge impact on fuel consumption; making sure to accelerate gently and use the highest appropriate gear will help to use as little fuel as possible. And, keeping a car in good condition can also help to improve fuel consumption, as fuel won’t be wasted on broken parts.”

Name supplied