The Wellington Weekly News includes events coverage on our general news pages and on our website, but this reader wrote in asking for a dedicated What's On page to return in the newspaper. Please let us know what you think in the comments below, or on our social media pages. You can also email us on [email protected]

Having been a fan of the Wellington Weekly news for almost 50 years, would you consider reverting to the old format of having a “What’s On” page? Since the arrival of the pandemic, it was cut, but now that life is back to normal surely our town needs up to date information to secure its livelihood? It would help charities who are struggling to raise funds. It would be valuable source of information to new residents of our town to know what Wellington has to offer.

Perhaps one of the many pages of puzzles could be axed in favour of a “What’s On”. It would be so good for the environment to have a buy and sell facility again.

Also another plea, why are there never any notices of the multiple road closures we experience in Wellington please? West Somerset is always mentioned but not us.

Wishing all a happy, peaceful New Year.

Marcie Hayman, Wellington

Editor's note: Somerset County Council currently uses our newspapers to advertise Public Notices including road closures covering the parishes in West Somerset, but not the Wellington area. They are carried in the West Somerset Free Press, and the Wellington Weekly News, as well as on our websites, to ensure they are seen by as many people as possible.