A LENGTHY legal battle has ended with walkers being able to use a Wellington footpath for the first time in more than 20 years.

The 230-feet long path between Millstream Gardens and Burchills Hill was blocked when a landowner fenced off both ends.

It remained closed despite the then-Somerset County Council agreeing in 2014 to add it to the definitive map of public rights of way.

The issue went to a public inquiry in June, 2024, where a Government-appointed inspector accepted evidence showing it had previously been used for more than 100 years.

The inspector ruled in favour of adding the footpath to Somerset’s definitive map, but it remained fenced off for several more months.

Now, an opening in the fence has been made at both ends to allow people to walk through, meaning they no longer have to use the Milverton Road route, which town councillors said exposed them to traffic dangers.