Somerset Council have published the latest planning applications and decisions in the Wellington area. 

Applications received:

Bradford on Tone:

Correspondent: ASHCULME TREE SURGEONS Applicant: MR & MRS PROWSEApplication to carry out management work to one oak tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Bradford on Tone No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 at Threeways, Bradford on Tone (TD687)

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

Correspondent: MR B HUME Applicant: MR B HUMEApplication to carry out management works to one walnut tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Bradford on Tone No.1) Tree Preservation Order 2000 at Bramley House, Orchard Close, Bradford on Tone (TD860)

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

Lydeard St Lawrence:

Correspondent: ORME ARCHITECTURE Applicant: MR M KITCATDemolition of agricultural barn and erection of 1 No. dwelling with associated works (alternative development to approved application 22/23/0008) at Hoccombe Farm, Lydeard St Lawrence

A decision has yet to be made on this application.


Correspondent: MR T BIDLAKE-CORSER Applicant: MR T BIDLAKE-CORSERReinstatement of access points on ground and first floors to enable accommodation of Ivy Cottage to become part of dwelling of The Olde Quaker House and reinstatement of chimney on the southern gable end at Ivy Cottage, North Street, Milverton

A decision has yet to be made on this application.


Correspondent: MICHAEL GOFF Applicant: MEJ & PJ WHITEErection of an agricultural building to cover open feed yard at Blagroves Farm, Blagroves Road, Oake (retnetion of works already undertaken)

A decision has yet to be made on this application.


Correspondent: LIVING BY DESIGN Applicant: LIVING BY DESIGNErection of a two storey extension to the side and a single storey extension to the rear of 53 Follett Close, Wellington

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

West Buckland

Correspondent: BLUE DIAMOND UK LTD Applicant: BLUE DIAMOND UK LTDVariation of Condition No's 02 (approved plans) and No. 03 (time limit) for the time limit of the road widening scheme to be extended to 31 Dec 2024 at Blackdown Garden Centre, West Buckland

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

Correspondent: COLLIER PLANNING Applicant: N T & J T MARKEApplication for Outline Planning with all matters reserved, except for access, for the erection of 12 No. dwellings (25% affordable) on land at Silver Street, West Buckland

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

West Buckland Case officer: Denise Todd Correspondent: SOMERSET COUNCIL Applicant: SOMERSET COUNCILDisplay of 4 No. non-illuminated advertisement/sponsorship signs on Chelston Roundabout, Wellington, A38/205

A decision has yet to be made on this application.


Correspondent: BOON BROWN ARCHITECTS Applicant:MR & MRS C SHACKLETONErection of a single storey extension to the rear and first floor extension to the side with installation of solar panels and air source heat pump at The Jays, Burges Lane, Wiveliscombe

A decision has yet to be made on this application.

Applications decided:

Bishops Hull

Correspondent: BRO ARCHITECTURE Applicant: MRS M RACKHAM

Application for prior approval for the proposed enlargement of a dwelling house by construction of an additional storey at 2 Stonegallows, Bishops Hull

Decision of Prior Approval Refusal was made on 10/11/2023.

Bishops Lydeard

Correspondent: KINGFISHER TREE SERVICES LTD Applicant: MR B YEATSApplication to carry out management works to one birch tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Bishops Lydeard No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1996 at 2 Homefield, Bishops Lydeard (TD671)

Decision of Conditional Approval was made on 14/11/2023.

Bradford on Tone

Correspondent: PEREGRINE MEARS ARCHITECTS LTD Applicant: MR P FEARReplacement of dwelling at Braddicks, Back Lane, Bradford on Tone

Decision of Conditional Approval was made on 14/11/2023.

Cotford St Luke

Correspondent: ARBORICARE LTD Applicant: MRS J RAYSON

Application to carry out management works to one horse chestnut tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Bishops Lydeard No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1992 adjacent to 16 Nichol Place, Cotford St. Luke (TD545)

Decision of Conditional Approval was made on 14/11/2023.


Correspondent: TONIC ARCHITECTURE LTD Applicant: MR & MRS BRIGHTErection of extension to the rear, replacement of former shop front, installation of 2 No. dormer windows to the rear and various alterations at Mildon House, Fore Street, Milverton

Decision of Conditional Approval was made on 10/11/2023.

Correspondent: TONIC ARCHITECTURE LTD Applicant: MR & MRS BRIGHTErection of extension to the rear, replacement of former shop front, installation of 2 No. dormer windows to the rear and various alterations at Mildon House, Fore Street, Milverton

Decision of Conditional Approval was made on 14/11/2023.