MEMBERS of the public will be able to comment on the latest plans for new housing at the Jurston Farm development in Wellington tomorrow.

Builder C G Fry is holding a public consultation on its detailed plans for Phase 3 of the scheme at the United Reformed church hall.

It is planning to build about 190 homes in the north-west quadrant of the site backing onto existing properties in Beech Hill, Laburnum Road and Jurston Lane in the project.

David Lohfink, the builder’s planning director, said building work would not start on these homes for at least 18 months and more likely two years.

He added: “The new homes won’t be any more controversial than phases 1 and 2. People will be anxious about what is going to be behind them but it will be consistent with the first phases.

“I don’t think there’s any shocks in store for people. They know it’s coming and it has outline planning permission.

“The consultation is an opportunity for people to come in and see what we are now proposing in detail.”

The consultation exercise is on Tuesday, July 2, from 2.30-7.30pm and will follow the same format as previous events including boards around the hall detailing the proposals.

Householders with properties backing on to the development area have been invited to book slots to express their views to Mr Lohfink and Robin Upton, from town planning consultancy WYG.

Visitors to the consultation will also be able to have their say on the future of a green pathway which is part of Jurston Lane.

The area is adopted as a road by the county council but is often muddy and barely passable.

Mr Lohfink said it could be left as a sunken semi-rural green lane between two hedges or turned into a pedestrian and cycle route with hard surface and lighting.

Two or three weeks following the consultation will be allowed for people to express their opinions and C G Fry intends to submit a detailed planning application for Phase 3 to Somerset West and Taunton Council in September.

Work on a roundabout to the site has recently been completed and houses are being built. The properties will be marketed at the end of this year or the start of next year with the first owners moving in soon afterwards.

Some 193 homes will be built in the first two phases of the development and up to 650 in total in the Jurston Farm scheme given outline planning permission in December 2015.