Wellington's newest school has come in for praise from Ofsted inspectors after being reviewed for the first time.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel Primary School (IKB) opened in November 2020, when headteacher Richard Healey promised it would provide "First rate education in a first rate setting."

Now it appears to be making good on its pledge after the school's first Ofsted inspection saw it awarded a 'good' rating across the board.

The report found that IKB was "much loved" by pupils, staff and the community and school leaders were praised for their strong relationships with children and their families:

"Isambard Kingdom Brunel Primary School is much loved by pupils, parents and the community. Leaders pride themselves on building an effective education for children that begins in the Nursery.

"Leaders know every child and family well. They demonstrate warmth and high ambition for all. Pupils know this, and they are proud of their school."

IKB was also praised for its extra-curricular opportunities and its hosting of regular educational visits. Inspectors said:

"Leaders run a large number of clubs and activities for pupils. From performance to reading and multi-skills to craft, a majority of pupils participate in the clubs. Pupils enjoy a range of educational visits, including to the local secondary school.

"The breakfast club and after-school club are well attended and provide a range of structured activity. Parents and families are wholeheartedly supportive of the school. They appreciate the strong communication from leaders and appreciate how well staff know them."

Responding to the inspection, Mr Healey expressed his pride in the findings:

"Beginning a school in 2020 during a global pandemic and on an alternative site was certainly a challenging experience, however fast forward to present day and we could not be prouder of what we have achieved together.

"Children thriving academically, socially and emotionally in every year group and an ever-growing community of families who are so much a part of everything we do and unwavering in their trust and support.

"IKB has genuinely been the most rewarding experience for our entire staff team and we are pleased that the efforts of our entire community have been acknowledged in this report.

"I would personally like to thank every child, family member, staff member, governor, Trust member and local community member who has helped IKB get to where it is today. It really has been a collective effort.

"In the weeks since the inspection we have digested and begun actioning our development points to ensure that we continue to make this school even greater for everyone in it and for those who will be joining us in the coming years.

"Three years in and it feels like the ending of a remarkable first chapter in IKB history and we cannot wait to make the next chapter even better. That's our promise to this community."