INDEPENDENT inspectors have rated Wellington School as ‘excellent’ across the board from its nursery through to the sixth form.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) visited as part of its programme of regular inspections required by the Department for Education, and gave the highest possible commendation for educational quality.

Just 24 hours’ notice was given of the visit by the team of ISI inspectors in March, which was made up of current and former headteachers and senior leaders of independent prep and senior schools.

They reviewed school policies before arriving onsite and while in Wellington observed lessons, spoke with staff, students, and governors, watched co-curricular activities, reviewed pupils’ work, attended tutor meetings and chapel services, and visited boarding houses.

The inspectors also considered the responses of parents, staff, and pupils to an online questionnaire.

They described as ‘excellent’ the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of their personal development.

Chair of governors Anna Govey said: “The report captures so many of the characteristics which make Wellington such a wonderful school and I am delighted with the excellent outcome of our inspection.

“I am so pleased to read the many positive observations made by the inspecting team about our pupils’ achievements, attitude to learning, confidence, kindness, respect, and sense of right and wrong.”

Wellington School's prep school.
Wellington School's prep school. (Tindle News)

The report described Wellington pupils as being ‘confident communicators’ who displayed ‘positive attitudes towards their learning’.

Pupils were seen to be ‘engaging fully with their lessons’ and to have ‘a comprehensive level of knowledge across the subject areas’, to ‘use this understanding effectively’, and were deemed to ‘achieve a high standard of results in public examinations, significantly exceeding the expectations for standardised assessments’.

They were also found to be ‘confident in themselves, having an excellent sense of right and wrong’, and were noted to exhibit a positive level of behaviour. 

There was praise for having ‘a strong sense of community and showing a high level of kindness and respect towards each other’.

It was also noted that ‘pupils have a very inclusive approach to their diverse community’, attributes particularly important within a boarding environment.

Ms Govey said: “The governors would like to congratulate and thank our team of dedicated staff for their commitment to supporting our pupils.

“Teaching and support staff in both the prep and senior schools have faced significant challenges in recent years, and this report is testament to their dedication and professionalism.

“I would also like to thank my team of governors for all they do for the school, as well all those alumni who so loyally support Wellington.”

Wellington’s senior school was last year nominated as ‘Independent Senior School of the Year’, with a prep school teacher being nominated as ‘Subject Lead of the Year’.

Last year, Wellington won a national award for ‘Best Community Service’, while headmaster Eugene du Toit has this year been nominated for ‘Headteacher of the Year’.

The ISI is equivalent to Ofsted in the State school sector.