FLAGPOLE holders in Wellington town centre look set to be replaced in time for the Coronation of King Charles III.

The Coronation takes place on Saturday, May 6, and a number of events are being lined-up in Wellington to celebrate the historic occasion.

Members of Wellington Town Council’s town centre committee were told that the current flagpole holders on buildings in Fore Street, South Street and High Street were very old and not suitable for flags.

So with the council planning on displaying the special Coronation Flags later this year to mark the big event – new flagpoles are a must.

But it will come at a cost and councillors agreed to propose that £6,654 is spent on replacing the numerous flagpole holders in the town.

The Mayor, Cllr Mark Lithgow, said: “When you visit other towns and they’ve got all the flags out it really does look fantastic.

“If we want to make our town a go-to-destination we really do need to do this. It’s not cheap, but we need to do it and make the place look more attractive to people.

“I’ve been to towns which make a real impression on you.”

A final decision on splashing the cash on the flagpoles will be made by the full council.

Meanwhile, the town centre committee has also recommended that nearly £5,800 (£4,832 plus VAT) be spent on providing 3,200 special commemorative coins for the Coronation for local children as a keepsake memento of the occasion.

Other events planned include linking up with the Friends of Wellington Park for a day of celebration on Sunday, May 7, plus activities at the Recreation Ground and a firework display at Wellington Rugby Club.

Councillors were told that the Coronation festivities would need a budget of £20,000. Around £11,000 was already available from the council’s Jubilee budget coffers, while the remainder could be drawn from general reserves.

Final decisions will be made by the full council.

It was suggested that the council looks at getting sponsorship from the business community to help fund some of the local celebrations.